Saturday, August 10, 2013

Jackson Bottoms and Fernhill Wetlands Photos

Here is a small selection of recent photos ...

On August 5, the fledgling osprey was still in the nest at Jackson Bottoms ...

Canada Geese, on the move ...
A Blacktail doe ... 

By August 9th, the osprey nest at Jackson Bottoms was empty, but these two were hanging around nearby

Greater Yellowlegs


The above pictures were all taken at Jackson Bottoms.
The next set of pictures were taken at Fernhill Wetlands.

Great Blue Heron

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Least Sandpiper



Western Wood Peewee

For the final set of pictures I offer a number of immature birds which are numerous this time of year.

Immature Goldfinch
(Jackson Bottoms)

Immature sparrow?
(Jackson Bottoms)

Immature Cedar Waxwing

Immature Song Sparrow being fed by its doting parents

Immature Cooper's Hawk

Immature Brewer's Blackbird

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