Saturday, August 24, 2013

Nature Photos: August 11 through August 25

Here's another selection of recent photos ...

A Downy Woodpecker at Milo McIver State Park (8/11/2013)

An Acorn Woodpecker at Milo McIver State Park (8/11/2013)

Another Downy Woodpecker at Milo McIver State Park (8/11/2013)

A Turkey Vulture at Milo McIver State Park (8/11/2013)

The silhouette of a Caspian Tern at Fernhill Wetlands (8/13/2013)

A White Pelican at Fernhill Wetlands (8/13/2013)

A Brewer's Blackbird at Fernhill Wetlands (8/13/2013)

A Pacific-Slope Flycatcher on Sauvie Island (8/17/2013)

A Green Heron at Fernhill Wetlands (8/18/2013)

A Great-Blue Heron at Fernhill Wetlands (8/18/2013)

A Great-Blue Heron landing at Fernhill Wetlands (8/18/2013)

Great-Blue Herons "dancing" at Fernhill Wetlands.  Note the lowered wing and tilted head (8/18/2013)

A White Pelican fishing at Fernhill Wetlands (8/18/2013)

Canada Geese at Jackson Bottoms (8/19/2013)

Canada Goose at Jackson Bottoms (8/22/2013)

A Killdeer at Jackson Bottoms (8/22/2013)

Columbian Blacktailed Deer at Jackson Bottoms (8/22/2013)

A Bewick's Wren at Jackson Bottoms (8/22/2013)

The setting sun from Jackson Bottoms (8/22/2013)

A Nutria at Jackson Bottoms (8/22/2013)

A European Collared Dove in my backyard, Hillsboro (8/23/2013)

An immature Cooper's Hawk on the long squirrel bridge in my backyard, Hillsboro (8/23/2013)

Another view of the same hawk, this time on the short squirrel bridge (8/23/2013)

Feeding Goldfinches at Fernhill Wetlands (8/24/2013)

A Northern Harrier (formerly known as the Marsh Hawk) at Fernhill Wetlands (8/24/2013)

Another view of the Northern Harrier at Fernhill Wetlands (8/24/2013)

A Great-Blue Heron posing at Fernhill Wetlands (8/24/2013)

An Osprey carrying a half-eaten catfish at Fernhill Wetlands (8/24/2013)

Another view of the Osprey with catfish (8/24/2013)

A Common Yellowthroat at Fernhill Wetlands (8/24/2013)

A Stellar's Jay at Noble Woods Park (8/24/2013)

A Black-Capped Chickadee at Noble Woods Park (8/24/2013)

Acorn Woodpecker at Rogers Park, Forest Grove (8/25/2013)

This is the behavior that earns the Acorn Woodpecker its name.  Rogers Park, FG (8/25/2013)

Acorn Woodpecker, Rogers Park, Forest Grove (8/25/2013)

Gray Squirrel that was chased away from the Acorn Woodpecker's nesting hole at Rogers Park (8/25/2013)

Red-Breasted Sapsucker at Rogers Park (8/25/2013)

Red-Breasted Sapsucker at Rogers Park (8/25/2013)

Red-Breasted Sapsucker at Rogers Park (8/25/2013)

Have a great day!

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