Monday, June 30, 2014

Update : 2014, 20 June to 30 June

     A Raccoon at Jackson Bottoms ...

An adult Nutria ...

... and a baby Nutria.

A couple of Columbia Blacktail (Mule) Deer

An Aquatic Garter Snake

A Great Egret

Some Great Blue Heron photos ...

A Mourning Dove

A Spotted Sandpiper standing on a log

Another Spotted Sandpiper, this one is trying to distract me from its nearby nest ...

... which contained four eggs.

Some Red-Winged Blackbird photos

A Red-Winged Blackbird chasing a Red-Tailed Hawk

A couple of  Red-Tailed Hawk photos

A duckling

A couple of  Wilson's Phalarope photos

A Song Sparrow

Some House Wren photos ...
This first one looks like a hummingbird, but the wren is carrying a stick back to its nest

And finally, a selection of Dragonfly photos

Thanks for visiting!

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