Saturday, July 19, 2014

Update: 03 July 2014 through 18 July 2014

Things have been pretty slow what with the summer heat and busy schedules - but here is a selection of recent photos.

I start off with a sequence of photos of a Great Egret with quite a mouthful of carp.  Not all of these are focused, but I wanted to keep the flow of the action. 

You can almost hear the satisfying gulp!

Now a selection of Osprey photos

Yeah, you, down there!

Trolling :)


A Black-Capped Chickadee

A Great Blue Heron

An American Goldfinch

Some Bushtits

A Song Sparrow heading back to its nest

Some Cedar Waxwings

A Common Yellowthroat

A Western Meadowlark

A Turkey Vulture

Red-Winged Blackbirds

A Western Sandpiper

A Killdeer

Some Canada Geese taking flight

A female Mallard

A Northern Flicker

A Lazuli Bunting

That's it for now.

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