Sunday, August 3, 2014

Update: 24 July through 02 August, 2014

Some recent photos, starting with a selection of Black-Capped Chickadees ...

Bushtits ...

A Song Sparrow

A House Finch ...

A White Breasted Nuthatch (the Slender-Billed variety) ...

A Red-Breasted Sapsucker

A Pileated Woodpecker

Western Wood-Pewees ...

A Lazuli Bunting

Spotted Towhees ...

A Kingfisher ...


Great Blue Herons ...

A Sora in the grass

An American Bittern ...

A Tree Swallow ...

A juvenile American Coot ...

A Goldfinch (I think)

A Kestrel on the wing

A Red-Tailed Hawk eating ... some of these may be more raw Nature than you want ...

Some Canada Geese

Birds are awful fidgety and this next selection is of photos I wouldn't normally post.  This is a short selection of photos taken of birds getting-away.  I have another selection I am not showing, of photos taken milliseconds after these that feature branches or bare ground ...

Some buglies ...

Some Bullfrogs ...

Some Cottontail Rabbits ...

A Nutria heading into his hidey-hole ...

And the final shot, a Mule Deer (Columbian Blacktail)


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