Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 13 to August 23, 2014

A few snapshots from the past couple of weeks.

First some birds ...

A juvenile Common Yellowthroat, at Killin Wetlands, near Banks, OR.

A Pileated Woodpecker, near Mist, OR 

A Pileated Woodpecker, gathering ants, near Mist, OR. 

Another view ... 

... and finally, a more typical pose of a Pileated Woodpecker.

 A Barn Swallow at Jackson Bottoms, Hillsboro, OR.

A juvenile Barn Swallow at Jackson Bottoms, Hillsboro, OR.

A Turkey Vulture soaring over Jackson Bottoms, Hillsboro, OR. 

A close-up of a Turkey Vulture in flight (Jackson Bottoms, Hillsboro, OR)

A Greater Yellowlegs at Jackson Bottoms, Hillsboro, OR.

A Golden-Mantled Squirrel, Icicle Canyon, near Leavenworth, WA. 

A Chipmunk (species yet to be determined) near Leavenworth, WA.

A Douglas Squirrel with a pine cone, near Leavenworth, WA.

A Townsend's Chipmunk at L.L. "Stub" Stewart State Park in Oregon.

 A really poor photo of a very distant Coyote, near Killin Wetlands, Banks, OR.

 A Coyote at Jackson Bottoms, Hillsboro, OR.

Another view of the same Coyote (Jackson Bottoms, Hillsboro, OR).

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