Sunday, August 24, 2014

Great Horned Owl, Deschutes State Park, Oregon (24 August 2014)

I was lucky enough to encounter a young, Great Horned Owl at Deschutes State Park.  Click on any photo below for an enhanced view.

A full body view, showing the lethal talons.

A close-up.

A super red-eye effect when using a flash-fill.

Nap time.

A close-up of the foot and talons.  The rough skin on the foot aids in holding any squirming prey that is not instantly killed by the piercing talons.

Another close-up showing both the beak and talons; the owl's dining tool-kit.

A close-up of the back and tail.  Note the "soft" edges of the wing and tail feathers. These provide the owl with the ability to fly and glide very quietly.

A rear view of the owl in flight, gliding about a foot off the ground.

Another in-flight photo, showing the flight feathers.

Below are some more random shots of this magnificent owl ...

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely magnificent creatures! Thank you for posting, I enjoyed all !
